Friday, July 27, 2007

He just goes on and on....

You know there are times when I wish I had not gotten married. These times are few and far between but here lately more frequent. I am of course talking about my husband. He just goes on and on and on and will not shut up!! Right now he is talking about T.O, and I could care less about T.O! And what makes me mad is that when I am talking about something, he cuts me off and starts talking like I never said anything.
this blog is for women who have men like my husband. Try this method ok: I call this selective listening. You are ignoring him, but you are listening you just don't ACTIVELY listen to him. Answer yes to a question or if you can discern enough of the jibber jabber, answer no. for the rest just let it go lmao. This is what I do to my husband. what you really want to do is seem like you are interested. For the record, he is currently talking about the Cowboy's. I hate them!! And don't give a crap about them, yet he thinks that I am interested in them. I'm an Eagle's fan for goodness sake!! ok I have vented for now. Ladies Igg out your man when he starts the random talking. Your brain will thank you later.

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