Monday, November 26, 2007

2 months time.

In 2 months time I have been through a whirl wind. I have found out I need back surgery and now I am out on WC again. I have not been to work in 3 weeks now. On top of that it is AGAIN taking foever for me to get my checks. Things are not going well. Brian is getting madder and madder at me and I know he really doesn't mean it but it does still hurt. We will end up losing the net soon so I can't post again for a little while atleast until I get my checks and can pay the bills.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hair Goings and Doings

I made a hair butter about 3 weeks ago and have been using it in mine and my daughter's hair. It is fabulous and I really want to sell it and help others out but I know I am going to have to start small and that means maybe selling it at the corner store. My hair is LOVELY!! And growing very very well. I am currently using, Oyin products, Qhemet Biologics and my Suave Tropical coconut conditoner OH and the Blended Beauty Soy Poo. Along with that is my homemade Rosemary spritz and my special veggie glycerin mix and my butter mix. I bought a new bonnet and I love the drawstring back. I am sleeping SO much better now that I got it.
I am currently wearing twists and will consider doing comb coils next week. These are my two options until I get more length. Not that I care about length really, cause I only care about health and it is very healthy. I have started taking Biotin, two 5000 mcg tablets a day. I have seen the difference already in my hair AND my skin and nails. My dark spots are fading and my nails started growing again. My hair is as I said gorgeous and growing nicely. It is so soft. I am still drinking water. and have modified my diet. I haven't given up all vices yet but I don't eat much junk food any more and I drink mostly green tea with honey or just plain water. I do have a soda or hot chocolate every month or so, and I think cutting them down to that once a month intake has made a HUGE difference in my weight and skin.
My family is doing ok. Brianna's haair is beyond fabu, and she is doing so well in school so far. James is James and I hope he is NOT lying about homework, cause he hasn't brought home ANY since the second week of school. Brian is Brian, getting on my nerves but I miss him when I am at work, and really can't see my life without him.
Ok that is all Later.

Friday, July 27, 2007

He just goes on and on....

You know there are times when I wish I had not gotten married. These times are few and far between but here lately more frequent. I am of course talking about my husband. He just goes on and on and on and will not shut up!! Right now he is talking about T.O, and I could care less about T.O! And what makes me mad is that when I am talking about something, he cuts me off and starts talking like I never said anything.
this blog is for women who have men like my husband. Try this method ok: I call this selective listening. You are ignoring him, but you are listening you just don't ACTIVELY listen to him. Answer yes to a question or if you can discern enough of the jibber jabber, answer no. for the rest just let it go lmao. This is what I do to my husband. what you really want to do is seem like you are interested. For the record, he is currently talking about the Cowboy's. I hate them!! And don't give a crap about them, yet he thinks that I am interested in them. I'm an Eagle's fan for goodness sake!! ok I have vented for now. Ladies Igg out your man when he starts the random talking. Your brain will thank you later.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Opening statements....

Ok, I have not done this before but here goes nothing...

I am 32 and I love to do hair. I have been semi natural off and on for about 2 years until I came to the realization that I hated me. I hated everything about me. From my glasses to my hair to my weight. March 2005 I got mad at myself and shaved my hair off in the middle of the night while all in the house slept. I even went so far as to use my husband's shaving cream and razor to make my head squeaky clean bald. Needless to say he was shocked to hell! lol I grew a magnificent head of hair with patience and lots and lots of water. Then I got dumb and relaxed it (Yes sistas I know , I know). Later I got stressed about me and life and it all broke off. March 2006 I B/C'd again and this time left it alone but I had no clue at the time how to take care of natural hair so I ran a 5 minute texturizer through my hair. Bought maintenance products and kept on going. By October I had a HUGE fro'. Was happy as hell! Then I got sick and depressed in January and all of my hair started to split and fall out. So on the 16th of that month, my husband cut off all of my hair. I know now that my hair products and some other factors contributed to my illness, and will NEVER EVER go back to relaxers, or texturizers, not even hair color. My daughter is natural, and blessed to be beautiful and crazy funny! My son is...well he is who he is lmao. But I love him and he is a walking living miracle people. My husband, I love him and but then I wish he would grow up a little bit. Everday is a house full of children and I am the ONLY adult in it!. Don't get me wrong I love him I truly do, but he has no sense of the word GROWN. Ok I'm done.